Friday, November 28, 2014

Author's Share

The students read their stories to the class in an author's share time. We heard some great stories!

Touch here to view on mobile devices.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Meditation Lessons

We have a special classroom mom joining us on Wednesdays to teach the class how to meditate. The lessons are short and sweet, but give the kiddos another tool to use when they need to calm their bodies, etc.
Click here to see photos on mobile device

Monday, November 3, 2014

Decorating Sugar Skulls

As part of our leaning about the culture of Mexico, we learned about the celebration of Day of the Dead. Today we decorated sugar skulls, a traditional part of this celebration in Mexico.
Click here to see photos on mobile device.   

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Silly Halloween

These are the silly photos!
Click here to see photos on mobile device.

Halloween Party

We had a super fun party. The kids were adorable in their costumes.
Click here to see photos on mobile device.