Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sorting and Sifting Rocks

The class had to figure out how to take a mixture of various sizes of rocks and sort them into their own groups. Click here to view on mobile devices

More Rock Investigation

Exploring rocks

The class has been working on our science kit called Earth Materials. We have done a lot of exploring and learning about different Earth materials. We have studied their properties and learned about how Earth materials are used in many ways. Click here to view on mobile devices.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Indoor Tower Garden

We now have an indoor garden at Crest View! Our wonderful ROCV bought this super cool tower garden that is now housed in the front entry of the school. Come and see it. Each class has planted a vegetable in their own special part of the tower. Our class decided to plant Rainbow Chard. It will be fun to watch the plants grow!! To view on mobile devices click here.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr. Wordle

The class came up with all these words to describe Martin Luther King Jr. and we put them into a Wordle. The chioces of words really shows their understanding...super impressive!!